Nippy Cheese Spread

Nippy Cheese Spread

In 1891,Alexander Fergusuon MacLaren, introduced a new product, MacLaren’s Imperial Cheese, which became very popular. Made from ground cheddar and sold in small porcelain containers, it was one of the first soft, processed cheeses to be commercially distributed.

MacLaren’s Imperial Cheese is still a great cheddar product and is available in grocery stores in Canada.

Nippy Cheese Spread uses a container of Imperial Cheese and adds to it an odd mixture of ingredients.  The resulting spread is anything but odd.  It is tasty and very flavourful.

It is best enjoyed with plain (not flavoured) crackers.  I have also included the recipe for boiling eggs.

Nippy Cheese Spread

Serves about 2 cups
Inspiration Carol Cochrane


  • 1 Container Imperial Cheese (at room temperature)
  • 2 Tsp grated onion
  • 3 Tsp red or yellow or orange or green sweet pepper (chopped)
  • 2 Tsp sweet green relish
  • 8 pimento stuffed green olives (chopped)
  • 1 Large hard boiled egg (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup unsalted tops, soda crackers (crushed, about 8 crackers)
  • 1/4 cup Miracle Whip or other kind of mayonnaise


Remove the cheese from the container and mash.
nippy cheese spread - the cheese
Add the onion, sweet pepper, sweet green relish, chopped olives, chopped egg, crushed soda crackers and mayonnaise.
Mix well. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. Can freeze for future use.

Boiled Eggs


  • large eggs


Bring a pot of water to boil.
Prick the large side of an egg with an egg piercer or thumb tack or push pin. Pricking the egg lets air escape while it is cooking.
Put the egg on a large spoon and gently place in the water. Immediately swirl the egg in the water. This is at the start of the cooking process and so will secure the yolk in the middle of the boiled egg, which is nice for certain recipes. Continue to add eggs to the pot, swirling each one as it is added. Boil the eggs for 12 minutes.
boiling eggs which have been swirled in the water
Drain the eggs, leave them in the pot and immediately cover them with cold water. I like to add a few ice cubes to the water to really chill the hot eggs. This prevents the greying (overcooking) from appearing along the edge between the yolk and white.
If I have made a few boiled eggs to use for salads, sandwiches or deviled eggs and I am not using them all at once, I take a pencil and write the date they were boiled on the outside of the shell. They should be refrigerated within two hours of boiling. They can last 6 days in the fridge.

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