Summer Vegetable Farfalle – A Seasonal Pasta

Summer Vegetable Farfalle

Summer Vegetable Farfalle is a seasonal combination of Farfalle (bow-tie pasta), fresh vegetables, basil and garlic. Farfalle, dating back to the 1500s, originated in Northern Italy. Farfalle,  means “butterfly” in Italian. It is shown here with barbecued salmon and roasted … Continue reading

Marinated Mixed Vegetable Salad

marinated mixed vegetable salad

Marinated Mixed Vegetable Salad makes 4 generous servings of barely cooked, marinated vegetables for a fresh spring taste. Make it the night before for a quick salad to serve with home made Chicken Wings, barbecued meats or poultry or even … Continue reading

Seared Scallops Primavera

Seared Scallops Primavera

According to the Mirriam-Webster online dictionary “primavera” means: “Served with a mixture of fresh vegetables (as zucchini, snow peas, and broccoli) and is usually used postpositively (as in Pasta Primavera)” The word “primavera” in Italian means spring. This is a … Continue reading